I am relatively new to Social Media. About 7 months ago, I began on Twitter. In my work as a medical educator at an academic medical center, it has been a challenge to “disseminate” my interest in social media to my academic colleagues. There are those who have been great supporters and mentors, such as Dr. Mike McKenna (AKA @IronSalsa, if you are on Twitter), who has given presentations at academic medical meetings, and also Grand Rounds, on Social Media in pediatrics. On the other side of the coin, others have given me “the look”, as if to say “Why are you wasting your time with social media when there are other things to do?”
This is certainly a valid question, and one to consider if one isn’t yet a believer in the power of social media, or is at least questioning the impact of social media in medicine. So, I thought that I would find some great posts which discuss this issue. The question I will leave you with is this: how do those currently utilizing social media convert the academic naysayers?
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