Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a conference hosted by my children’s school corporation on the use of tablet computers/iPads in education. As a medical educator, this absolutely piqued my interest. In addition, as a parent, I have a big voice in how my children are educated, and want to know how I can help. As it is now, my children are pretty tablet computer-savvy, and are always asking “Can I borrow your red iPad?”
This conference was nothing short of incredible! I learned so much, from how to get organized, to how to use video conferencing, to what apps are helpful for children in 3rd grade. The keynote speaker was truly inspirational, with a wonderful message that “technology is always changing, but teachers will never be replaced.” This was so great to hear, as an educator myself. I also loved seeing teachers from all over Indiana come together to learn for themselves and ultimately for their students.
It is my opinion that the medical education world can learn from what the Center Grove Community School Corporation put on yesterday. The focus was how to embrace technology in order to connect, create and collaborate. I saw my kids’ teachers there as well, which was invigorating to see that other educators take an interest in their own personal professional development.
As a take home, I am now jazzed up to learn more about how to use tablet in education, for my own personal learning network (I love the phrase “personal learning network”, which is similar to medicine’s “individualized learning plan”).
To the organizers of the iPossibilities Conference at Center Grove, thank you so much, from one education arena to another. I have taken away so many great ideas from your conference, both for helping my own children learn, and also for my day-to-day work as a medical educator. I hope to be able to put on a similar conference within medical education, to demonstrate what is possible. Our learners deserve nothing less!
[To learn more about the iPossibilities conference hosted by the Center Grove Community School Corporation, which was funded through a grant from the Department of Education, and to see handouts, please click here.]
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